par kursiemreflektantu reģistrācija  programmēšanas sākumnodaļa (4- 8. klases) programmēšanas pamatnodaļa<br>(8.-12.klases)Kursu darbsolimpiādes
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Statistics and Probability Theory Class12.01.2015 18:30
     The class is set to begin in February and will contain both theoretical and practical material. You will understand how to build a model describing data and how to check its validity. You will learn about the law of large numbers and central limit theorem as well as the importance of them. You will be introduced to one of the most popular programming languages in data analysis – R. You will see into formulating and verifying statistical hypothesis and predicting future events. You will have an opportunity to analyse real world data, present them as various charts, tables and histograms, and hypothesize about regularities behind the data. Finally, you will be given a chance to know more about data-miners: mathematicians and programmers, who analyse huge amounts of data and are searching for correlations in it. It is planned that the class will consist of twelve 2-3 hours long lectures.
     The course will be lectured by Alexander Gehsbarg, data scientist who has a solid background in the field of Data mining. Moreover, he has already covered this course to his students in English. Alexander managed to create a deep and beneficial course for those, whose skills of mathematics can be attributed to primary school level. Even things concerning higher mathematics were successfully shown by simple and effective examples.
     It seems that in our course A. Gehsbarg will be lecturing in English. It is an outstanding opportunity for those who wish to master statistical methods of data processing and for those, who plan to continue their studies in English. Undergraduates and high school students are able to apply by sending an email to us. The studies begin in February. After submitting the preferable day of the week and time, we will announce the complete list and payment deadlines. The price for the course is 45-55 euros.
     Currently we are holding a survey to decide whether there is a demand for this class. To express your interest in it, please contact us at
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| programmēšanas sākumnodaļa (4- 8. klases)
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